Sunday, December 18, 2011

Resolution #2 - Walk this Way

"I resolve not to walk into other people when I can avoid it.  This means that when they are in my way, even if I am in a tremendous hurry to get on that subway car or I really want a grande caramel light frappuccino (with extra caramel and a dome lid), I will still not walk into others, as they, like me, are humans, and I must take it on their word that they, like me,  are sentient. 

'I' am defined in this resolution as including my physical being as well as anything I am wearing, carrying or pushing.  This means that I will not push my shopping cart into your rear end as you open an egg carton to check for cracked eggs, as you are, in fact, quite visible and collision is entirely preventable.  Also, I will not walk past you and hit you with my enormous backpack; that is to say, I will not act entirely oblivious to the fact that I am carrying around at least 6 weeks/35 pounds of clothing on my back and that turning suddenly and body-slamming you with same backpack could injure, or at least anger, you."

Walking is challenging.  Stay tuned for your resolution not to walk through a door ahead of the person for whom it has been opened!

1 comment:

  1. While this would have applied a few years ago for you... i'm pretty sure an extension of this resolution would include not using your stroller as a battering ram and running over toes or into and up the heels of fellow shoppers, sidewalk walkers or elevator riders.
